Getting the Love You Want - Workshop for Couples
A complete couples workshop is presented in a 16-hour format during which you will be taught how to create a healing environment within your committed relationship. By becoming aware of the real reasons and needs that attracted you to each other, you will be able to join in a clearly defined process of resolution and growth. As a couple, you will learn and practice new communication skills which can transform your relationship into the safe and nurturing relationship of your dreams.
The workshop format includes lectures, guided imageries, written exercises and dialogue processes in private with your partner. A workbook designed by Harville Hendrix is provided to keep for use during and after the workshop. No pressure is put on couples to share personal issues in public. Professional support is available to explain the process and help with brief counseling needs.
This Workshop Is Appropriate for You:
- If You Want to Enrich a Good Relationship
- If You Are Beginning a Relationship You Want to Keep
- If You Are in a Difficult Relationship and Want to Resolve Long-Standing Conflicts
- If You Are Near Breakup or Divorce and Want to Decide If the Relationship Can Be Saved
In this process, you will learn to hear more clearly the true meaning of your partner's communications and also how to communicate, so that your partner can hear you as you want to be heard. Issues will become resolvable because the emphasis will be properly focused on the real needs beneath the issues.
From Participation, You Can Expect:
- Greater Compassion and Understanding of Yourself and Your Partner
- Awareness of How to Use the Relationship for Mutual Healing and Fulfillment
- Knowledge of the Unconscious Agenda and Purpose of Your Relationship
- New Communication Skills Which Break Destructive Cycles of Relating
- Tools for Re-Romanticizing Your Relationship
- Ways to Resolve Frustrations That Are Win-Win
- Creation of a Mutual Vision for the Present and Future of Your Relationship
Workshop Registration Information
Early registration is encouraged. The fee for the workshop is $845 per couple and includes tuition and 2 workbooks (Deduct $50 if paid in full 3 weeks in advance.). A deposit of $400 will reserve a place for you.
If you cancel 8 days or more prior to the workshop, you will receive a full refund minus a $100.00 administration fee. If you cancel 7 days or less prior to the workshop, you may transfer your registration fees to another scheduled workshop; however, no refunds will be made. If the workshop is canceled by the presenter, a full refund will be made.
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